Upholstery fabric can take a bit of battering over the years. Kids and pets are usual suspects when it comes to stain creation, but let's face it even the most conscientious of us is capable of a little accident from time to time. Caring for your upholstery fabric will not only keep it looking at its best, it will also help to extend the life of it too, so that you can go on enjoying your favourite piece of furniture for years to come.
While occasional professional cleaning is advisable, you can maintain your
upholstery fabric yourself by following a few easy tips that will help keep your furniture looking great. One of the most important things to keep in mind is the type of upholstery fabric that you will be cleaning. Checking the manufacturers labelling will give you an idea of what you are dealing with. The priority here is to distinguish between natural and synthetic fabrics. Synthetic fabric stains can be easily treated, whereas natural fabrics will require a little more care and attention. Testing an out of sight area of furniture for colour bleeding or distortion is always advisable prior to tackling the stain. Should the manufacturers label state that the fabric is more than 50% cotton it is prudent to seek professional help rather than attempt to clean the stain yourself, especially if it is in a prominent area and the stain is large.
This brings us to the next consideration, where is the stain and how big is it? A tiny stain, in a position that is unlikely to be seen regularly, presents a far easier clean-up than a huge spill right in the middle of a piece of furniture. If your stain is very large it could be worth making a call to a professional cleaner no matter what type of upholstery fabric it is.
If you feel confident that you can manage the stain, following these tips will help you get it right first time:
" Act fast where possible - Leaving a stain to dry and set will only mean problems later on, try and remove it quickly whenever you can.
" Do not drown the stain - Using too much liquid will only cause the stain to spread and could leave a larger water stain than the one that you started with.
" On the spot - Spot cleaners are great and you should definitely have some in your cleaning arsenal. However, it is important that you know their capabilities. Read the labels to see just what type of stains they are good for. Many will be great for food and drink stains, but hopeless on anything oily.
" Cut the grease - If you are unlucky enough to have a stain that is oil or grease based, try sprinkling corn-starch or talcum powder onto it. Gently massage the powder over the stain and then wipe clean with a damp cloth.
Trying these tips could help prolong your furniture's lifespan, but if you are at all in doubt it is worth consulting a professional cleaner for advice.